After Marine Le Pen’s first meeting in Reims last Saturday, 13 campaign buses were chartered to criss-cross the regions. A week later, this Saturday, February 12, his support committee in Sarthe announces the launch of his campaign in the department. He plans to tow to the markets using one of these buses. He should cross the Sarthe during the first half of March.
To be visible
An announcement made during a dinner organized with around fifty activists in Crannes-en-Champagne. “When you go shopping at a market and you see a huge 55-seater bus with Marine Le Pen flocking on it, it really has an effect“explains Edwige Diaz, one of Marine Le Pen’s spokespersons.”It is very visible and therefore people come to talk to us and we can develop the program.”
– Raphael Cann
“The idea is to get as close as possible to voters, in rural areas, to say that with us there will be no two-speed France“, she continues. Thematic booklets summarizing the program of the candidate will be distributed, that on health is likely to be put forward. “The people of Sarthe are mostly affected by medical desertification, this is where the shoe pinches“, summarizes Bruno Pinson, responsible for membership within the National Rally in Sarthe.
Still not enough referrals
“We must give a clear career line to hospital staff, respect them and pay them better. It is also necessary to abolish the Regional Health Agencies which are strictly useless, and to set up service chiefdoms at the hospital level.“, he lists. Other themes will be highlighted locally, such as mobility and fuel taxation or the fight against wind turbines.
There remains an outstanding issue for the candidate: the question of sponsorships. This Thursday, February 10, it totaled 274 signatures out of the 500 required to participate in the presidential election. “We have a promise and a few people who say they are in favor”, specifies Raymond de Malherbe, secretary of the RN in Sarthe. “Many mayors are unfavorable to the current system which obliges them to give their name and I had several mayors who told me that they did not want to sponsor so as not to endorse this system.“He is also a municipal councilor for Marçon and for the moment the only elected representative from Sarthe to have given his sponsorship to Marine Le Pen.