a march organized in memory of the 17-year-old killed by a police officer’s shooting



Video length: 1 min

Death of Nahel: update on the investigation
Death of Nahel: update on the investigation

A silent march is planned for Saturday, June 29 in memory of Nahel, a young man shot dead during a police check in Nanterre a year ago. A call for reflection and a day to fight against police impunity.

Some flowers at the very place where Nahel died: the 17-year-old young man was killed by a police officer during a chase just a year ago. On June 27, 2023 in Nanterre, Nahel drives in a rental car on a bus lane. The police ask him to stop but the young man continues on his way and a chase begins. He finds himself in a square, where the police come up to him. According to them, Nahel restarts, a shot is fired.

The investigation continues. Last May, a judicial reenactment was organized in the city. The perpetrator of the shooting is indicted for intentional homicide. After five months in pre-trial detention, he is now free under judicial supervision. Nahel’s death caused riots throughout France.

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