A man recently expressed regret in court for sexually assaulting young girls and sought leniency, standing before his victims. Despite his apologies, he maintained his innocence throughout the trial, suggesting he was a victim of conspiracy. Prosecutors recommended a seven-year sentence for his crimes, which spanned over a decade. Victims shared their traumatic experiences, with one emphasizing the lasting impact of the abuse. Sentencing discussions will continue next week after a brief courtroom disruption.
Remorse and Denial in the Courtroom
A man who committed offenses against young girls recently expressed regret and requested leniency from the court, standing before the very victims whose innocence he had taken.
“I am not the person that the media is portraying; I am not a monster. Did I make a mistake? Yes, and I genuinely apologize,” German Luis Alfaro argued on Wednesday at the Longueuil courthouse.
His plea came after a lengthy recounting by the victims detailing the profound impacts of his actions. One survivor shared her painful experience in a letter presented in court by Crown prosecutor Me Bruno Des Lauriers, saying, “I had my innocence ripped away when he started touching me. I was so small, so fragile, and unable to defend myself.”
The Impact of Abuse and Calls for Justice
The prosecutor proposed a seven-year prison term for Alfaro, who is hoping for a reduced sentence of five years. This past summer, he was convicted of sexually assaulting four children, ranging from ages 5 to 12, over a span of more than a decade. All the victims were young girls within his social circle.
Three of these girls were assaulted during a single incident at a swimming pool, where Alfaro was the only adult present. Tasked with a game of chase, he exploited the situation to inappropriately touch the girls, including groping and slipping his hands under their swimsuits.
One victim recounted, “Every time I think about it, I remember the bright pink and orange swimsuit I wore that day, typical of a 12-year-old. It’s been eight years since that day, and I have never attended a pool party again. I now fear wearing a swimsuit.”
Throughout the trial, Alfaro consistently denied the allegations, even suggesting that he was the target of a conspiracy. One victim expressed her frustration, stating, “Instead of owning up to your actions, you’ve forced me to relive my trauma in front of strangers.”
Judge Jean-Philippe Marcoux observed that during the trial, Alfaro appeared to be attempting to provide the “right answer.” However, during the sentencing phase, he expressed remorse, stating, “I regret for myself and for them.” He admitted to being a victim of abuse in his youth but felt his experiences were often dismissed.
When the judge inquired about this newfound understanding, Alfaro struggled to articulate the nature of the wrongs he claimed to acknowledge, stating, “My concept of sexual assault is different from what is established.”
The proceedings were briefly interrupted when Alfaro’s partner fainted in the courtroom. The arguments regarding the sentencing will continue next week.