A manager of a surveillance company challenges Emmanuel Macron on the lack of manpower

The situation is catastrophicThe word chosen by Dylan Blin, manager of the company AAP Sécurité in Vierzon is strong, but it illustrates well, according to him, the current context for his activity. This boss struggles to recruit, even though demand is strong during this holiday season, when it is necessary, for example, to ensure safety at Christmas markets. Due to a lack of available employees, Dylan Blin has already had to refuse certain contracts.

A loss of turnover, and a worry for the future

The situation, Dylan Blin explains it in a simple way: “Today we advertise on Pôle Emploi (…) but no one is applying behind“. The leader seeks to recruit at least 15 people for this time of year; currently there are only 5. This shortage of candidates has very concrete consequences for this company, since its manager cannot respond to all requests. “This week we have an event for which we are asked for five security guards. I will have to call the customer to say: ‘sorry, I only have one’. ”details Dylan Blin, who is not yet certain of being able to ensure security at the Christmas market in Vierzon, a market for which he was requested by the town hall.

It’s a momentum that stops

Today if we stay in this state of mind, the goal is not to close because it is a profession that is in great demand, but it is to say: if we continue like this, we will hold on maybe 4 or 5 months and then the contracts will drop, the clients will no longer trust us, and this is a business that we will be forced to close“alert Dylan Blin. Today we are not there yet, but the business manager believes that he has lost about 30% of its turnover for this time of year.

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Increase wages

In an attempt to change the situation, Dylan Blin called on the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron, visiting Vierzon this Tuesday, December 7. To make the profession attractive again, he believes that it is necessary to increase the salaries of security guards, paid on average between 1,200 and 1,400 euros. He asks the Head of State to “set a basic sales rate for the private security service“, in particular to limit competition from companies that pull prices down.

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