a man suspected of raping a young woman in Fréjus arrested thanks to his genetic fingerprint

At the end of August, a jogger in her thirties was raped in broad daylight on the banks of Reyran.

Article written by

France Info – With France Bleu Provence

Radio France


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1 minute

Fréjus (Var) (GOOGLE MAPS)

The alleged rapist of a young woman during the summer in Fréjus (Var) was arrested and placed in pre-trial detention on Monday November 6, France Bleu Provence learned. The suspect, an Afghan aged at least 25, was confused thanks to his genetic fingerprint. He was arrested in Fréjus.

At the end of August, a jogger in her thirties was raped in broad daylight on the banks of Reyran. The rapist spotted her and lured her into some bushes. The victim then managed to escape and immediately informed the police. Immediate searches on the banks of the Reyran and near the nature base were inconclusive. But the speed of the alert given by the victim allowed investigators to take samples.

The DNA of the alleged attacker was analyzed in the national genetic fingerprint file in France and Germany where his profile “matched”. The alleged perpetrator of the rape is also known across the Rhine for acts of sexual assault.

The suspect indicted

Var investigators then released his portrait. A few weeks later, a man behaving suspiciously was spotted on the seaside, hiding behind toilet stalls, reports France Bleu Provence. He seemed to be watching something or someone. After verifications, it was indeed the same man. He was arrested and taken into police custody.

During their investigation, the police discovered that the man was already suspected of having harassed a woman in the street in Toulon a few days before the rape in Fréjus. She was a member of a humanitarian association. The man grabbed her arm and tried to kiss her several times. The woman had removed a handrail. She recognized him because he was taken care of by a migrant aid association which supported him in his asylum application.

At the end of his police custody, the suspect was indicted for rape and then placed in pre-trial detention.

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