a man suspected of being the leader of the Zouaves Paris arrested

Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, presented as the leader of this tiny ultra-right group, was arrested in the afternoon at Saint-Cloud.

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He is suspected of being involved in the violence committed during the meeting of presidential candidate Eric Zemmour, in Villepinte (Seine-Saint-Denis). The presumed leader of the ultra-right group of Zouaves Paris, Marc de CacquerayValmenier, was arrested Tuesday, December 14, Franceinfo learned from police sources.

Marc de CacquerayValmenier was arrested in the afternoon, in Saint-Cloud (Hauts-de-Seine), by the Research and Intervention Brigade (BRI) of the police headquarters after being identified by several media on videos showing the assault with fists and chairs of SOS Racism activists who had exhibited t-shirts “No to racism” during the first campaign rally of the far-right essayist, on December 5.

The footage shows, among other things, a man punching a young woman twice in the face, then another man punching her in the head again. An activist is filmed by the Huff Post receiving a blow in the face and then, while on the ground, a kick in the back. Others are violently jostled and several chairs are thrown in the direction of these opponents of Eric Zemmour.

Eleven complaints had been lodged by activists of the SOS Racisme association, after the violence that took place against them.

Several eruptions of violence had punctuated the first campaign meeting of the former journalist, himself grabbed by an activist Les Républicains before his rise on stage. Two journalists from Mediapart, hit in the head, lodged a complaint Monday jointly with their employer for “violence” and “threats” while a team of the program “Quotidien” had to be exfiltrated from the room by the team of security of Eric Zemmour.

Asked about these incidents, the latter condemned “all violence” who disrupted his public meeting, while calling the attacked SOS Racism activists “provocateurs” and the media of “complacent”.

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