A man shot dead in Dollard-des-Ormeaux

A man died Tuesday evening after being shot in Dollard-des-Ormeaux. The victim is Stevens Cantave, 42, an individual linked to the Blue Allegiance street gangs, has learned The Press.

Cantave was allegedly hit in the upper body by a firearm projectile around 5:50 p.m. while he was in a vehicle located in a shopping center parking lot. The drama occurred on Boulevard des Sources, near Boulevard Brunswick.

Urgences-santé paramedics and police officers assisted the victim, but he was pronounced dead on the scene, confirmed spokesperson for the Montreal City Police Service (SPVM), Jeanne Drouin.

The suspect(s) allegedly fled in a vehicle before the police arrived. There have been no arrests yet. A large perimeter was established to allow investigators and forensic identification technicians to analyze the scene.

The murder occurred very close to the fitness center in front of which mafioso Francesco Del Balso was shot and killed by a sniper on June 5.

With the West Montreal Blues

According to our information, Cantave would have been active in drug trafficking in the Saint-Michel district.

According to a source, he was known within the police as an individual who did not hesitate to use violence to carry out certain tasks, including collecting money.

Cantave was close to Marckens Vilme, an influential member of the Ruffriders, a blue street gang with a strong presence in the West Island of Montreal.

Vilme is currently serving a life sentence for the murder of Niagara Chapter Hells Angels Michael Deabaitua-Schulde who was killed as he left a training center in Mississauga, Ontario in March 2019 .

According to our information, Stevens Cantave would also have been, at least at one time, close to Atna Onha, another member of a blue street gang who has often been talked about in the criminal world for several months.

Cantave had some criminal history.

He was notably convicted for possession of a weapon twice, in 2004 and 2009, and received prison sentences of one year and 19 months.

He also had records of trafficking cocaine and marijuana.

This is the fifth murder of the year on the island of Montreal, including the third by firearm.

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