A man sentenced for threats against Minister Sonia LeBel

A suspended sentence has been imposed in the case of Marc Dargis, a man who made threats against the Minister and President of the Treasury Board, Sonia LeBel, and who violated his release conditions three times by sending her emails.

Posted yesterday at 9:22 p.m.

Le Nouvelliste

He will also have to pay the sum of $700 to Maison Le Far within nine months and respect a probation for one year with the formal prohibition to communicate directly or indirectly with Ms. LeBel and to be at her county office in Three Rivers. 1er September 2021, Marc Dargis had left a message of about forty seconds on the voicemail of the riding office of the MNA for Champlain in which he said to her: “Moé, I am going to tear your head off. It won’t be long… do you understand? You could have had hair on your head. Do it, solve my CSST problem because I will solve your problem. »

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