a man kills two children and a teacher in a nursery school

The shooter is dead, a regional official said.

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A man entered a kindergarten in Russia and opened fire, killing two children and a teacher, before committing suicide on Tuesday April 26, announced a spokesman for the authorities of the Ulyanovsk region, where the events took place, about 800 km east of Moscow. According to a deputy from the region quoted by the Russian public agency Tass (in Russian), the two children killed were born in 2016 and 2018.

The same agency cites an unnamed law enforcement source as saying the man opened fire “in the room where the children slept”and that a family conflict could be at the origin of his act.

Long very rare, fatal shootings, especially in schools, have tended to become more numerous in Russia in recent years, to the point that President Vladimir Putin is alarmed, seeing it as a phenomenon imported from the United States and a perverse effect. globalization, which led him to toughen the legislation on the carrying of arms.

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