a man killed with a stab in a hostel welcoming migrants

The supect introduced himself spontaneously to the municipal police of Nogent-sur-Oise to accuse themselves of intentional homicide and of having set fire to part of the home.

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The supervisor of an Adoma home in Nogent-sur-Oise (Oise), welcoming migrants in particular, was found dead at his workplace, stabbed on Monday, December 6 around 9:30 a.m., after a fire in the residence, indicates a police source to franceinfo. About forty years old, he seems to have been slaughtered, specifies the public prosecutor of Senlis.

The main suspect is a national of Sudanese origin. He was taken into police custody after spontaneously presenting himself to the municipal police of Nogent-sur-Oise to accuse himself of intentional homicide and of having set part of the home on fire. According to the prosecution, he would have had a dispute with the victim.

Aged in his thirties, the suspect “has no criminal record, with the exception of a reminder of the law for an infringement of the legislation on transport”, indicates the public prosecutor of Senlis. “None of his words reveal any motivation that would be linked to radicalization. At the time of his arrest, he mentioned suicidal thoughts.” The investigation of flagrance was entrusted to the Creil police station.

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