This Saturday, September 23, an aircraft pilot was killed in Loire-Atlantique, after hitting a high-voltage line in Blain. After this accident, Enedis cut the power lines for an indefinite period.
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An aircraft pilot was killed on Saturday September 23 by hitting a high voltage line in the morning at a place called La Cornière, in Blain, in Loire-Atlantique, reports France Bleu Loire Océan. Enedis cut the power lines, depriving 300 to 400 homes and businesses of power for an indefinite period.
Paramotor pilot for 14 years
The 50-year-old man, living in Blain, had just taken off around 11 a.m. with an ultra-light aircraft when he hit a 20,000 volt high voltage power line. Once on scene, firefighters were unable to revive him. The victim had his paramotor pilot’s license for 14 years.