a man found shot to death in front of his business in Pietrosella

According to the first elements of the investigation, the sixty-year-old was targeted by two killers who fired around ten times. Two suspects are in custody.


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Pietrosella (South Corsica).  (SCREENSHOT)

A trader in his sixties died, killed by gunfire on the morning of Tuesday, December 19 in Corsica, reports France Bleu RCFM. Two men were taken into custody.

The victim’s name is Eric Andraud. He was shot dead Tuesday morning around 8:30 a.m. in front of his swimming pool store located in Pietrosella in South Corsica. On site, emergency services were unable to resuscitate him. According to the first elements of the investigation, the sixty-year-old was targeted by two killers who fired around ten times, according to witnesses.

Two men arrested

A car was later found burned 8 km from the crime scene. Two men located nearby were arrested in the act and taken into police custody. The Ajaccio prosecutor, Nicolas Septe, confirmed that a link was established between these “two significant facts”. He adds : “These two individuals must explain their presence on the scene”, but insists on observing “the greatest caution.”

Still according to the Ajaccio public prosecutor’s office, the facts are not a priori linked to organized crime. The victim was not known to the courts. Investigations continue. A blatant investigation for “organized gang assassination” and “destruction of property by fire”. The judicial police are in charge of the investigations.

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