a man arrested on suspicion of rape with acts of torture on his daughter

This computer scientist, 44 years old and father of two children, was arrested on Tuesday in Cormeilles-en-Parisis. A judicial investigation has been opened by the Pontoise public prosecutor’s office.

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A 44-year-old man, suspected of rape with acts of torture or barbarity on his 11-year-old daughter, was arrested in Cormeilles-en-Parisis (Val d’Oise), Tuesday, October 4, France Télévisions learned from a source close to the investigation. The Pontoise public prosecutor’s office announced on Thursday that it had opened a judicial investigation, in particular for “incestuous rape committed on a minor with torture or acts of barbarism” and “capture for dissemination of a pornographic image of a minor”.

It all started when Australian investigators detected a child pornography video on the dark web. After sending a report to the Central Office for the Suppression of Violence against Persons, French investigators managed to identify the suspect. He is a computer scientist, father of two children.

A search of his home allowed investigators to get their hands on other videos showing particularly serious sexual violence against the suspect’s daughter, now 11 years old. According to the source close to the investigation, the violence began when she was 4 to 5 years old.

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