The attack left one seriously injured and two lightly injured early in the morning. An investigation has been opened for attempted murder.
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A man, suspected of having attacked several people with knives, Saturday February 3, at 7:35 a.m., at the Gare de Lyon in Paris, was arrested, the police headquarters announced to franceinfo, confirming information from the AFP. He was taken into custody. The Paris prosecutor’s office is seized of the facts and has opened an investigation for attempted assassination. No terrorist nature has been established at this stage. “We will see if the terrorist trail is definitively ruled out or not”underlined Laurent Nunez, the Paris police prefect, who went to the site late in the morning.
“Three passers-by were victims of beatings with a weapon by the accused. The blows were allegedly carried out with a hammer and a knife”, affirms the Paris prosecutor’s office to franceinfo. And to specify that “the weapons are being analyzed.” “The personality elements of the accused, the circumstances and motivations of the act must still be confirmed”continues the Paris prosecutor’s office.
The suspect is 32 years old, Franceinfo learned from sources close to the investigation. He suffers from psychiatric disorders, confirmed prefect Laurent Nunez. Of Malian nationality, he had an Italian driving license and residence permit, according to police sources and a source close to the case. He “was in a regular situation”explains the Paris police prefect.
Three people injured
According to a report from the Paris police headquarters, the attack left three people injured: one serious and two minor. The life prognosis of the most seriously injured person is compromised, declared Laurent Nunez. The Paris police chief said “that he was currently in the operating room and that his condition had stabilized”.
A police source told France Télévisions that the victims were two travelers, as well as a security agent who tried to disarm the attacker. “Slightly injured, he is in shock”, adds this source. The Paris prosecutor’s office confirms that the suspect was arrested by a security agent.
The Minister of the Interior confirmed the toll on X and thanked “those who controlled the author of this unbearable act”.
TGV traffic is not disrupted, SNCF tells franceinfo. The railway company specifies that hall 1 and hall 2 of Gare de Lyon remain open. Only hall 3 is closed on instructions from the Paris police headquarters.