a man actively wanted for rape in the Grenoble metropolitan area



Video length: 2 min

Isère: a man actively wanted for rape in the Grenoble area

In Grenoble, the police are looking for a man in his twenties suspected of several rapes and assaults since the beginning of January in the city and its surroundings. He travels on an electric scooter at night, dressed in black, and threatens his victims with a knife. The nine women attacked are between 20 and 27 years old.

(France 2)

In Grenoble, the police are looking for a man in his twenties suspected of several rapes and assaults since the beginning of January, in the city and its surroundings.

Investigators nickname him “The Man with the Scooter”. It is by this means of locomotion that he seeks his victims. In barely two months, the individual is suspected of having committed two sexual assaults, three rapes and four acts of violence in Grenoble (Isère) and its outskirts. The victims are young women aged 20 to 27. It seems to act at night, “alone, dressed in black, riding a black scooter”. He “spots his victims and follows them before attacking them”, explains the public prosecutor, Éric Vaillant.

20 years old, 1m70, European type without accent

The man is actively sought throughout the city. Although the investigators did not release a composite portrait, they provided a detailed description of the individual: 20 years old, 1m70, European type with no accent, normal build or even slightly plump, brown eyes, pale complexion and rather red hair. The deputy departmental secretary Alliance Police Nationale, Stéphane Gianesello, considers his profile very worrying. “It’s really gaining strength. Like any predator it wanders, it zones, it hunts”he notes.

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