a majority of unions give the green light to the agreement on the revaluation of pensions

The agreement was concluded five days ago by the three employers’ organizations and five trade union organizations co-managing Agirc-Arrco. It will therefore apply.

It is a text which allows an increase in supplementary pensions of 4.9% on November 1st. Three unions (CFDT, CFTC, FO), representing a majority of private sector employees, announced on Monday October 9 that they would sign with employers the new agreement on supplementary pensions from Agirc-Arrco. The CGT and the CFE-CGC have yet to give their decision, but a non-signature would not call into question the validity of the text.

“For the CFDT, this draft agreement is a balanced project with notable progress for workers and retirees”, judges the union in a press release. For its part, the CFTC also welcomes “social advances” permitted by the “good management” social partners. For its part, the FO confederal office has “decided to sign unanimously”, negotiator Michel Beaugas told AFP.

Pensions revalued in line with inflation

The pensions of the 13 million retirees receiving Agirc-Arrco benefits will be increased by 4.9% from November 1, in line with inflation. Between 2024 and 2026, the revaluation of pensions could be less: depending on the economic situation, the increase could be under-indexed by a maximum of 0.4 points below inflation. But the board of directors may choose to bring it back to the level of inflation.

The agreement also removes the “malus”, a temporary reduction of 10% which has applied since 2019 to the pensions of many retirees who left having met all the legal conditions. It will be eliminated from December 1 for new retirees, then from April for all retirees concerned.

In addition to these revaluations, the agreement seals the union of employers and unions on a major point: their refusal to organize a “financial tip” towards the State. This demanded between 1 and 3 billion euros annually by 2030 to help finance the increase in small pensions provided for by the pension reform, and to “return to balance” of the overall system.

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