“A majority can only be found between Renaissance and LR”, estimates Sacha Houlié, who will chair the CMP



Video duration: 10 min

Immigration bill: “A majority can only be found between Renaissance and the Republicans”, estimates Sacha Houlié (Renaissance)

Saché Houlié, Renaissance deputy and president of the Law Commission, was the guest of France 2’s “4 Truths” on Thursday December 14. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – JB. Hammer

France Televisions

Sacha Houlié, Renaissance deputy and president of the Law Commission, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Thursday December 14.

The fate of the immigration bill will be decided in a joint committee (CMP), which will meet from Monday based on the text voted by the Senate. “Between now and Monday, there will be negotiations which are tough, difficult”, explains Sacha Houlié, Renaissance deputy and president of the Law Commission, guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Thursday December 14. He will chair the CMP. Is a compromise possible with the right? “A majority can only be found between Renaissance and the Republicans”specifies the deputy.

“For 62 LR deputies, how many divisions?”

Can the text be split into several laws, postponing part of the planned measures until later? “Today, there are several hypotheses. There is the hypothesis of a Senate text which we look at article by article, and there is the hypothesis of retaining the provisions which seem essential to the French, in particular on the expulsions of delinquent foreigners, to protect our compatriots, or on the simplification of procedures. All hypotheses are on the table”assures Sacha Houlié.

The MP thinks that it is possible to negotiate with Les Républicains, whose vote was decisive in the adoption of a rejection motion in the National Assembly. “I believe that their group is deeply divided. What the Republican executives tell you is not always the reality of the LR group. For 62 deputies, how many divisions?”, denotes the president of the Law Commission. Despite these talks, is there a risk that the bill will not be voted on by the National Assembly next week? “Yes, there is a risk. And it is a risk that we must assume in front of the French”he adds.

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