A magistrate indicted for complicity in influence peddling

He is suspected of having used his influence to obtain on behalf of a contractual employee, at the time a bailiff’s clerk, a faster appointment with his consulate.

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A magistrate practicing at the court of Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine) at the time of the facts was indicted, Wednesday, May 18, in particular for “complicity in influence peddling”, announced the parquet floor of Versailles, confirming information from the log Point.

He is suspected of having used his influence to obtain on behalf of a contract employee, at the time a bailiff’s clerk, a faster appointment with his consulate, according to the weekly. The facts would have taken place in 2020. He is also indicted for “misappropriation of personal data”, specified the prosecutor’s office of Versailles.

Customers turned down in exchange for financial commissions

This decision of the examining magistrate intervenes in a broader procedure in which the contractual is indicted for “passive corruption”, “violation of professional secrecy” and “fraud”. She is suspected of having turned clients over to lawyers in exchange for financial commissions, a case revealed by the daily The Parisian in February 2021. Three lawyers from the bars of Nanterre and Paris are also indicted for “corruption” in this case, the Versailles prosecutor’s office confirmed on Thursday.

Contacted, the magistrate’s lawyer Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard did not wish “at this stage, make any comments apart from the fact” that she was going “file a request for nullity of the indictment in the coming days”.

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