a madman shot dead by the GIGN after killing five people from the same family

The young man attacked a family in Dover, Ain. He was killed by the GIGN this Wednesday, July 20.

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The GIGN killed this Wednesday at midday a man entrenched in a house in Dover, in Ain, learned franceinfo from the gendarmerie. Five people, including three children, all members of the same family, were found dead, franceinfo learned from a source familiar with the matter.

The gendarmes were alerted Tuesday evening, around 11:30 p.m. and tried to dialogue with the madman until the arrival of the GIGN from Dijon on Wednesday morning, shortly before 7 a.m. A long negotiation took place until the end of the morning. The individual was neutralized at midday.

According to the mayor of the town, joined by franceinfo, the madman was 22 years old. He attacked a blended family of five people, a couple and three children, including two girls aged 17 and 15 and a 5-year-old boy. The madman himself was the son from a first union of the father of this family residing in Dover since July 2021. He did not reside with them.

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