a lynx comes to the door of the house of a resident of Leyssard


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

France 3 – Rhône-Alpes, S. Cozzolino, V. Benais, L. Marion

France Televisions

A resident of Leyssard (Ain) was able to see a lynx up close, which came right up to the door of his house. This is a female who could be looking for a new territory. There are around fifty lynx in Ain, which is one third of the French population.

The tete-a-tete with the, or rather the lynx, took place just outside the door of Romain Barriot’s house in Leyssard (Ain), on the edge of the forest. Ain has around fifty lynx, one third of the total population in France. The videos taken by Romain Barriot are a real gold mine for the Apacefs association, which lists lynx. Software scans each characteristic of the animal and compares them to previously identified individuals.

A lynx unknown to the association

However, the female filmed by Romain Barriot does not appear in any database. The general appearance of the animal and its behavior allow however to draw some conclusions. “It is believed to be a lynx that is less than two years old. Such a lynx might be looking for new territory“, explains Taieb Messeuses, president of the Apacefs association. If the young lynx is still around, perhaps it will pass in the field of vision of cameras installed on the trees, which are triggered at the slightest movement. The chances are however minimal, because to find an unoccupied territory by other congeners, the characteristic of the species, a female is able to travel 150 kilometers.

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