“a lot of emotion” and “a beautiful message”

There will be a bit of Lorraine on the perch! The rebellious deputy Caroline Fiat was elected this Wednesday, June 29, vice-president of the National Assembly with 297 votes (out of 577 deputies). The nursing assistant, narrowly re-elected with the Nupes, on June 19 in the 6th constituency of Meurthe-et-Moselle will therefore sit regularly to lead the debates in the hemicycle.

Contacted by France Bleu Lorraine, she does not hide her emotion at the time of playing a new role within the Palais Bourbon: “I received a lot of messages from nursing colleagues proud to see this election of a vice-president caregiver. I am very moved by these messages“. A career that should allow him to approach this new position calmly: “what will help me is the empathy of the caregiver, the ethics, the fact that there is no etiquette, we treat everyone.”

Beyond her career, Caroline Fiat retains a feminized office of the Assembly with six women for seven positions: “what a beautiful message […] for all the women who doubt, who think they don’t have the capacity. We have our place. If the Assembly can give legitimacy to women, that’s wonderful“.

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