“A long journey…”: A child from large families affected by the disease, not very reassuring news

Finally, this mother accused of abuse by her eldest daughter reveals to have “recently taken new medical steps“for Romeo.”It’s been several weeks, several months now that my doubts, my questions, my instinct push me to… I am a full-time mother, Romeo is my 9th child and when we go through certain paths, we watch, we we wonder, we observe… We want to postpone these steps, we want to wait, we think we are wrong, we doubt… But the reality of some things seems so obvious to meshe wrote. A long journey, long months of waiting for.. It is better to anticipate or prevent for nothing, rather than to do nothing.

It is therefore a new “journey” medical waiting for the young Romeo. Cindy Reymond has, for the time being, preferred to keep the details of these steps to herself. However, in story, still on the social network for sharing images, she announces that she wants to discuss with health professionals or simply parents about children who suffer from heart defects with associated myopia. To be continued in the coming weeks…

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