A Loire-Atlantique cinema opposes the control of the health pass of its employees and closes its doors

Two police checks revealed that the employees of the Emeraude cinema in Châteaubriant were in violation.

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The manager of the Emeraude cinema in Châteaubriant, in Loire-Atlantique, closed Thursday, December 23, to oppose the gendarmerie checks of the sanitary pass in his establishment, France Bleu Loire Océan has learned. Two checks revealed that the cinema workers were in violation.

The first control takes place on Sunday 12 December. Several violations are noted among the staff. Some employees do not have a health pass, an obligation in an establishment open to the public. The second check, carried out on Wednesday 22 December, shows that new employees cannot present a health pass.

According to the manager of the cinema, the gendarmes carried out these two checks in less than ten days. He therefore decided to close his establishment to avoid “an embarrassment caused by another control (…) which would traumatize some of our spectators”. According to him, the gendarmes have “forced the screenings to stop”. Information denied by the commander of the Châteaubriant company, reports France Bleu Loire Océan. The manager is exposed to an administrative closure.

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