The coordinator of France Insoumise was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo” this Thursday.
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Manuel Bompard, coordinator of France insoumise, LFI deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, invited this Thursday on franceinfo, would have preferred “a little sobriety” on the occasion of the visit of King Charles III to France.given the current context“.
>> Dinner at the Palace of Versailles with Charles III: “It’s really something you see once in your life,” says Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Emmanuel Macron organized a state dinner on Wednesday evening in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles in honor of the sovereign. “It’s normal that we welcome the King of England when he comes to France. It is legitimate for the President of the Republic to receive it, but I find that in the current social context, with the difficulties affecting a large part of the French, a little sobriety would not have done any harm“, he estimated.
Around King Charles, 150 personalities were invited to share a royal dinner with the menu including blue lobster, Bresse poultry and rose macaroons. The Republic pulled out all the stops. “I think there was some sort of display with a luxurious meal. I can understand that the French feel a form of disconnection. More sobriety in this period could also have been understood both by the king himself and undoubtedly more by the French“, he explained.