A little respite from inflation: Black Friday, full of deals and tons of pitfalls to avoid

Black Friday is usually more important to retailers than to consumers. But in times of inflation, Quebecers could take the opportunity to save on Christmas shopping, provided they are careful.

• Read also: Friday will be the busiest day of the year for shopping

“It’s a marketing event that serves to launch the holiday shopping season, a key moment in the year for many merchants,” illustrates Maryse Côté-Hamel, from Laval University.

The consumer and marketing expert also points out that the “Black Friday” sales are now spread over several days.

This year will also mark the return of consumers to stores after two years spent exclusively behind their keyboards.

A “festival of stimuli”

“Yes, we can take advantage of it to save money, but when we go to a merchant, we must know that he will do everything in his power to make us make impulse purchases,” she warns.

Nothing is left to chance in this “festival of stimuli”: the Christmas decorations and music, the smells, the crowds…

“The goal is to bring down our guards, to distract us. Another thing: the more time we spend in the store, the more we risk making impulse purchases and breaking our budget,” she says.

There are also the famous “up to 90%” sales, which very often concern only one item. In short, Black Friday exists above all to make us consume more than we want.

Many transactions

Never mind, 4 out of 10 Quebecers plan to take advantage of the Black Friday sales, according to a study conducted on behalf of the Quebec Retail Trade Council (CQCD).

More than half (53%) plan to shop online. If they were 29% to plan to spend more than last year, they are only 24% today, inflation obliges.

The number of transactions in stores will “certainly” be high, also predicts the payment provider Moneris.

The latter argues that the biggest transactions take place at the beginning of the week and that Friday is not necessarily the day that pays the most.

Good for families

Black Friday is an opportunity to do Christmas shopping “while saving taxes,” says Kristel Cholette, 31, who met in a shopping center on the South Shore of Montreal yesterday.

“I manage to withdraw about 15% of the final price on my invoice. It shows anyway, ”says the mother of two young children.

In addition to electronic devices, which sit at the top of Quebecers’ purchases year after year, the event is an opportunity to purchase clothing, household and decorative items and books, according to the CQCD study.

Many websites such as Buy the Best, for example, allow you to stay informed of the most attractive deals.

– With the collaboration of Francis Halin

Product categories with the most discounts

  • Televisions
  • Computers
  • Cell phones
  • Clothes
  • kitchen appliances
  • Major Appliances

Source : buythebest.ca

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