a little girl bitten in the face by an “American wolfdog”, a species not recognized as domestic

The animal is an American wolfdog, a breed recently exported to Europe and not recognized as a domestic by the Central Canine Society.

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An 18-month-old girl was bitten by her dog on Tuesday in Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, reports France Bleu Nord. She is injured in the face and in the forearm and was transported to the Lille CHR in relative emergency.

The animal is an American wolfdog, a species recently exported to Europe and not recognized as a domestic by the Central Canine Society (only the Czechoslovakian wolfdog and the Sarloos wolfdog are recognized). The animal was locked in a pen in the family home.

There is very little data on dog bites in France, recalls the National Health Security Agency (Anses), in a report published in February 2021. About 10,000 bites per year were subject to health surveillance, according to a 2007 report. These figures represent only the bites declared to the Departmental Directorate in charge of the protection of populations and are most certainly lower than the reality, explains ANSES.

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