A list of essentials to prepare for the 2024 school year

Back to school is an exciting time (yes, yes), but also stressful for parents and children. To approach this new school year with serenity, it is essential to organize yourself well in advance. Here is a practical guide so that nothing is left to chance.

Prepare school supplies

The foundation of a good start to the school year starts with a well-equipped school bag. Perhaps you are one of the many parents who were planning to get started in advance, as reported by The Press recently. Otherwise, there is still time to check the list provided by the school to make sure you have all the notebooks, pens, pencils and other necessary supplies. Don’t forget more specific needs like a calculator for older children or geometry materials. Also remember to label your children’s belongings to avoid loss.

Organize clothes

Kids grow fast, so it’s important to sort through their wardrobe before the start of the school year. Make sure they have clothes and shoes that fit their size and the season. Don’t forget to plan for winter wear, too. Anticipating seasonal needs early in the year can help you avoid the stress of last-minute (and full-price) purchases when the cold weather sets in.

Setting up a workspace at home

A well-organized workspace is a key factor in academic success. It can make a difference in your child’s academic performance. Create a dedicated homework area, away from the hustle and bustle of family (and the television), to promote concentration. Organizing this space can include: a desk or table that is the right size for your child, a comfortable and ergonomic chair, and good lighting. Make sure all necessary materials (pen, paper, computer) are easily accessible. Involve your child in organizing this space so that he or she feels comfortable and in charge of his or her learning environment.

Plan schedules

Between school schedules, extracurricular activities, and downtime, good planning is essential. Use a calendar or time management app to align the whole family’s schedules. This organization will help prevent forgetfulness, lateness, and mental overload. Involving children in this planning can also teach them the importance of time management.

Read the article School calendar 2024-2025: key dates to remember

Review knowledge

Before school starts, it can be helpful to review key concepts from the previous year. This will help your child get back into the swing of things and make the transition to the new school year easier. If you notice any difficulties, consider scheduling tutoring sessions to help your child learn the essential concepts. Schools often offer free tutoring from higher-level students or teachers. There are also private companies that offer online tutoring and homework help for an hourly fee. Alloprof offers free tutoring in several subjects to elementary and secondary students.

Adopt a sleep routine

Sleep plays a big role in focus and academic success. After summer break, getting kids back into a regular sleep routine can help them adjust to school schedules. Start adjusting bedtimes a few days before school starts to help ensure a smooth transition. According to experts, school-aged children (ages 6 to 13) need a minimum of 9 hours of sleep per night.

Getting back into good eating habits

On vacation, meal times often vary depending on activities. Getting back to a more regular schedule will help your child regain balance before school starts again. Planning healthy, nutrient-rich meals can improve focus in class and prevent mid-day energy slumps.

Plan health visits

Before school starts, schedule necessary appointments with the doctor, optician or dentist to detect potential problems that could affect children’s academic well-being, such as vision or hearing problems. Also check that vaccinations are up to date.

Check computer hardware

In today’s digital age, it’s important to make sure all electronic equipment used by children is working properly. This includes computers, tablets, and other devices needed for homework or online classes. Make sure software is up to date to avoid technical issues during the school year.

Ensure children’s mental preparation

It is often underestimated, but it is essential. According to several studies, anxiety among young people has increased since the pandemic, and it is important to help them approach the start of the school year with confidence. Take the time to talk with them about their fears and expectations. Create a climate of open dialogue where they feel listened to. Practicing simple relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, can also help reduce stress. It consists of breathing through the belly (and not the chest) by inhaling deeply and slowly and exhaling slowly through the nose. Repeat 4 to 5 times.

Good organization will allow us to start again on the right foot, both for children and parents, for a school year that we hope will be successful.

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