a lifeless body found in the premises of the group

The TF1 group is today facing a terrible tragedy. This Thursday, July 7, 2022, around eight o’clock, the lifeless body of an employee was found on the premises of the audiovisual group, as revealed by Le Parisien. If the emergency services were called and quickly arrived on the spot, the death of the employee was observed on the spot in the Atrium, an annex building located near the company’s headquarters, in Boulogne-Billancourt, in the Hauts -de-Seine.
Still according to Le Parisien, the deceased is a 56-year-old man who worked for the IT department of the TF1 group. Faced with this tragedy, an investigation was opened for “research into the causes of death” and entrusted to the Nanterre prosecutor’s office. We note, however, that the trail of suicide would be considered even if it is necessary to understand precisely the circumstances of the death of this employee. “The death of an employee which occurred early this morning on the Atrium site (…) It is up to the police investigation to determine the circumstances.” said one of the spokespersons for TF1.
The chain adds that at the time of the discovery of the body, “the deputy general manager of the group in charge of human relations went immediately to the site, joined by the emergency services, the police and the labor inspectorate”. She also specifies that “this employee had worked at TF1 for many years, he was recognized for his expertise, discreet and appreciated by the teams”.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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