A lesson in ecosophy | The duty

The questioning of philosophy courses, as they are taught at the CEGEP level, is probably relevant. But not for this philosophical teaching to be abolished, we need it too much. On the other hand, there is an urgent need to update a subject which perhaps dwells a little too much on the classics and which moves away from a reality which requires a broader, more current, even urgent, and daring reflection. .

What’s jumping out at us right now in world news? What is this “eco-anxiety” that young people suffer from? Why is the world and “the World” so bad? What’s going on with our planet? What is this thing we call “nature”? And what is our relationship with her?

One could discuss these questions by combining the words “ecology” and “philosophy” to give the term, which has existed since the philosopher Arne Naess, “ecosophy”.

Other examples likely to interest young adults and, by extension, our world: “ecofeminism”, “ecopsychology”, “ecosociology”, to name but a few.

What is most fascinating for a human is to understand how things are interrelated. These new versions of ecology, combined with the human sciences, could ignite a flame capable of enlightening people’s minds and the world they will inhabit.

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