a legislative candidate victim of violent racist attacks!

Left-wing candidate in the first constituency of Nièvre, Orny Impenge announced on June 6 to file a complaint for racism after receiving a letter on which was written: “Get the fuck off with your monkeypox. Go eat your bananas”.

An attack he shared on Facebook with this message: “When we run out of arguments, the poison of racism takes away all sense and all intelligence from human beings. Frankly, these words no longer affect me because I know who I am and where I am going, but I feel bad for our children who will have to grow up in this world where the color of your skin, your sexual orientation… condemns you to represent only that. I will therefore go and file a complaint because I am fed up that these sowers of hatred who hide very often are not condemned“.

He took the opportunity to recall the importance of going to vote in the legislative elections on June 12 and 19, and of “vote against the ideas of the far right next Sunday”. Before continuing: “Even if it is not my candidacy that you are running. This subject must go beyond the interests of a campaign. I will never let our youth oppose ideas that can lead to a real explosion of our society. As a reminder the “brave” person who wrote this, I am French, Nivernais and proud of my origins. And in addition the banana is my favorite fruit”.

This Wednesday, June 8, still on Facebook, Orny Impenge once again denounces this “stupid act” and declare that “The offense committed will not go unpunished and will not prevent us from continuing this campaign”. “We call on people who are victims of all kinds of discrimination because of their religion, their color, their sex… not to let anything go. These sowers of hatred must be severely punished and we must count on Justice”he added.

Antoine FM

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