A female manager felt that she was the victim of wage discrimination vis-à-vis her male colleagues. She was able to ask the courts to produce, to prove it, the pay slips of her male counterparts. The judges agreed with him.
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The case takes place in the middle of finance. The strategy and projects director of the Exane group, appointed to her position in January 2017 after having served as chief operating officer in a subsidiary of the group, was dismissed two years later. But she does not intend to stop there. She believes that she suffered wage discrimination compared to her male counterparts in the group. She seizes the industrial tribunal in summary proceedings and she asks that, to prove the inequalities of which she is a victim, the pay slips of her colleagues are shown.
The case will go on appeal and then finally be decided by the Court of Cassation (link to a PDF document) on March 8, because the group and its subsidiary refuse to produce these pay slips. They believe that this is an invasion of the privacy of the employees in question which is not proportionate to the aim pursued. They believe that if the dismissed employee wants to prove unequal pay, she has other means, such as the gender equality index in the group, which leaves something to be desired.
An invasion of personal life proportionate to the aim pursued
The Exane group also protects itself from the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), saying that producing the pay slips requested would not be compliant. This will not be the opinion of the Court of Cassation because the judges, as reported by the agency AEF (link reserved for subscribers) will consider that the complainant is entitled to have an impartial judgment. For this, the pay slips of his male colleagues must be produced and, this is very important, these pay slips must not be anonymised. Even if it interferes with the personal life of those concerned, it is essential to the exercise of the right of evidence and it is well proportionate to the aim pursued.
The Court of Cassation therefore considers it normal that the pay slips of eight employees occupying positions of a level comparable to that of the complainant in her managerial, commercial or market functions are produced, under penalty. On these payslips must clearly appear the surnames and first names, the monthly remuneration and the total remuneration over the year.