a leading member of the show died suddenly… Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine upset!

This Monday, August 29, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine was back in C à vous. A few days before the launch of the show, the journalist had announced some changes. ” The first part does not move. In part 2, new, there is the humorous tablet ‘I was at that’. The sequence ‘L’œil de Pierre’ will now conclude a notepad carried by all the columnists. These are marginal adjustments, you shouldn’t say ‘Come on, we’re changing everything! “, she confided to 20 minutes before continuing: “ Our viewers love the family represented by C à Vous. It’s good to have a new face. This two-and-a-half-minute pastille on the setbacks of a thirty-year-old [incarnée par Zoé Bruneau], allows you to have a different story, a different profile. It’s a very produced, angled and funny mini-fiction: each time the character ‘was up to it’. It corresponds to the spirit of C à Vous where we are always a bit close to perfection “.

“We learned of his disappearance at the end of the summer”

But while viewers were there for the show’s comeback, Anne-Élisabeth Lemoine announced some very sad news. Sébastien Amaury, cameraman who takes care of photographing the guests, has unfortunately passed away. Saddened, the host therefore dedicated the number of this Monday to the deceased. ” The show is dedicated this evening to the memory of Sébastien Amaury, who accompanied us from the beginning of the adventure behind his camera, but always with a smile. We learned of his disappearance at the end of the summer. The whole C à vous team wanted to pay tribute to him tonight, ”she said. And to add: “Tonight, we turn to Sébastien and to all those who love him, and to Nicolas to greet our viewers. “. A beautiful tribute.


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