a law aims to make it more accessible


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

J.Benzina, F.Vallet, E.Bailly X.Roman, P.Aubert, L.Houel – France 2

France Televisions

A bill submitted to the National Assembly aims to allow French people to obtain their driving license more quickly and at a lower cost, compared to the current average of 1,800 euros. Its cost could continue to rise if gasoline prices remain high.

How to make the driving license simpler, faster and more affordable? Today, the pass costs between 2,000 and 3,000 euros in some cities and is one of the many brakes on candidates. The bill provides for the creation of a single platform which lists all the existing financial aid to pass it. Another measure is the personal training account, which already makes it possible to pass the B, C and D license and which would be extended to permits for carts, motorcycles and trailers.

The profession points to the shortage of instructors

To shorten the time for summoning to the examination, by 53 days on average, the law provides for the possibility of training public officials to be inspectors and examiners. But this guarantee is insufficient according to a driving school owner for the stakes that this implies. “There is a responsibility. (…) The examiners, if it’s anyone, examine them anyhow and we throw dangers on the roads”, believes Alain Mareschal. For part of the profession, the problem remains the shortage of instructors in driving schools, which extend the deadlines for taking lessons and passing your license.

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