A Laval resident who threatened vaccinators on social networks is arrested

A follower of conspiracy theories who made threats on social networks against employees responsible for administering COVID-19 vaccines was arrested by the Service de police de Laval (SPL) on Thursday.

This arrest, confirmed by press release on Friday, comes following a report broadcast by Radio-Canada on November 30. The media had analyzed with a fine comb the public and private discussion groups of the famous Canadian conspirator Romana Didulo, which has more than 72,000 followers on the Telegram platform. After openly calling on her followers to “shoot to kill” healthcare workers who administer COVID-19 vaccines to people under the age of 19, Ms. Didulo, who is associated with the QAnon movement, was the subject of a search by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s counterterrorism team last month.

Ms Didulo’s posts, however, attracted the interest of hundreds of internet users, who posted pictures of guns and violent messages. Of these, a 42-year-old Laval resident would have shared a press release announcing the start of the vaccination campaign in his daughter’s school, adding: “It’s time to go hunting. bang bang. “

After learning of the threats made by this Quebecer, the Sûreté du Québec transferred this file to the SPL, Radio-Canada reported on November 30. An investigation was then opened by the Laval police force.

“The SPL took this threat seriously and immediately opened a case. Investigators quickly identified a suspect and proceeded to arrest him on December 2, ”the SPL confirmed on Friday afternoon. The man, who has not been identified, was met by investigators before being subsequently released on conditions. “He will appear in court later,” the statement added.

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