A Laval high school student becomes the best baccalaureate in Mayenne with an average of 19.3

She obtained an impressive average in the bac this year: Élodie Chaudet is the best baccalaureate in Mayenne 2022 with an average of 19.30/20. This high school student was studying at the Immaculate Conception in Laval, but she lives in Saint-Pierre-la-Cour. She was aiming for 17.5 in the baccalaureate, as she had an average of around 18 in first and final class. “I was quite surprised, quite surprised because I absolutely did not expect such grades”, says Élodie Chaudet. She had 19 in philosophy and 20/20 in all the other baccalaureate exams.

The pride of a “farming family”

His results are obviously the pride of his parents. Élodie Chaudet’s father is a farmer in Saint-Pierre-la-Cour. “A journey like that, in a family of farmers, is quite unusual, it’s not too usual. So obviously, I have a family that is very proud of me and has always supported me. It’s a big moment. We are very happy“, confides the best 2022 baccalaureate in Mayenne.

Élodie Chaudet’s parents have four children and do not have a large income, her father is a farmer and her mother works in a laboratory in Vitré, in Ille-et-Vilaine. The young high school student therefore decided to put money aside for her higher education. Since January, she has worked every Saturday and Sunday morning in a supermarket in her town. “There was a little bit of this extra load which made me sometimes accumulate a little bit of fatigue and which scared me a little bit at first. But in the end, it is possible to succeed even if we have this additional charge. This is also why I am proud to have succeeded in accumulating a CDI in parallel with my studies and to have passed the final exams.“, rejoices Élodie Chaudet. She will also work all summer in this supermarket.

In the month of September, the 17-year-old Mayennaise will study in Paris. She was accepted at the Sorbonne, with a double degree in political science and law. She is waiting for her first wish, training as a European lawyer at the University of Panthéon-Assas.

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