A last greeting to Michel Côté

It is with consternation that I learned of the death of Michel Côté, after a fight he waged in the image of the man he was: he showed great discretion and great courage.

He will have left in his wake the traces of the model he was for an entire province and for an entire region, ours, Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean. Alma’s little guy remained proud of his roots; this is why his place in our hearts is immense.

The body of Michel Côté will be exposed in the burning chapel on June 8 at the Monument-National. I can’t help but underline the generosity and great sensitivity of his family who agreed to share him with us, he who belonged to a whole people through his flourishing public career.

Once again, one last time, we will have the chance to come and greet him.

It is true that Michel Côté has always been one of us. We encouraged him, we supported him, applauded him, loved him in all that he was, in all that he represented. It is now up to us to pay him a final tribute.

For the population of our region, for all those who loved him, for those of whom he was undoubtedly also a son, a brother, and a model; a final farewell in the presence of the body will be possible.

I salute the great generosity of the family: Véronique Le Flaguais, his wife, Maxime Le Flaguais and Charles Côté, his sons, who have understood that Michel also belongs to the whole community. What a great show of respect to offer as a gift this great privilege of being able to say a last goodbye to him.

Thanks to the family. Thanks Michael. We won’t forget you.

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