The public autonomy service and the Ministry of Solidarity, Autonomy and Equality between women and men are launching a national communication campaign on the reality of life for caregivers until October 20.
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This campaign aims to highlight caregivers, because according to the BVA/April Foundation caregiver barometer, “one in two caregivers in France are unaware.” The objective is also to facilitate their access to information and available assistance. This entire approach is part of the mobilization and support strategy for caregivers until 2027.
According to Maëlig Le Bayon, director of the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy, manager of the autonomy branch of Social Security, one in two caregivers is unaware that they are a caregiver, even though they devote several dozen hours per week alongside their spouse or disabled child.
“Life expectancy is lower among caregivers of elderly people who are in a relationship than among those receiving care.”
Maëlig Le Bayon, director of the CNSAat franceinfo
Societal awareness of the role of the caregiver
The entire campaign (TV, radio, digital, posters) was built with caregiver associations and caregivers like Jeanine, 71, who has been working alongside her husband, who suffers from Parkinson’s disease, for three years. For her, “it’s from morning until evening. The days when we can’t not go out, where we cannot be helped, we are 24 hours a day with the person being helped and the family.”
“At the start, you take care of your husband, you are there with him, you don’t consider yourself helping, I didn’t have anyone who came to help me.”
Jeanine, caregiverat franceinfo
I help you
Inter-Associative Collective of Family Caregivers
French Association of Carers
Carers Company
My Helpers compass
What is the CNSA which launched this campaign to make caregivers visible
The BVA/April Foundation caregiver barometer