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A bakery in La Rochelle will soon enter the famous Guinness Book of Records, in the category “smallest bakery storefront in the world”. Report on the spot.
The smallest bakery in France is located in La Rochelle, in Charente-Maritime. The establishment will soon enter the Guinness Book of Records as the smallest bakery storefront in the world. A consecration for its manager, Ludovic Frey. “When people come to La Rochelle, let them do the little bakery detour, as they would go to see the aquarium”he hopes.
Hélène and Philippe, tourists from Tours, came to observe it with their own eyes. “We are very curious, we like to visit. It is a particularity all the same, a bakery that enters the Guinness”, they confide. On May 16, the Guinness jury will officially validate the record. “They made a list of 16 criteria to be met. It’s very, very strict”, says Ludovic Frey. For the occasion, the bakery street will be specially blocked.