“A king, there will only be one left!”, Dadju responds to TayC and threatens him

What is happening between Dadju and TayC? It’s been a few hours since the two singers settled their scores through subliminal messages published on social networks. It all started when this Wednesday, October 11, 2023, T ayC published a rather ambiguous message in a story on Instagram: “Use the terms ‘Prince’ or Gentleman’ as much as you want to define yourself… But here we know your true face.” In the following story, the 27-year-old singer adds an even more violent sentence and writes: “Humans disgust me”.

According to our exclusive information, it is the singer Dadju that TayC is talking about in these strange messages published a few hours ago. A source close to the artist confirms to us this Thursday, October 12 that the former candidate of Dance with the stars, decided to attack his 32-year-old colleague, Dadju. “Tayc would thus take the defense of one of its collaborators” we learn without having more details on what really happened.

A few hours later, Dadju decided to respond to TayC by speaking on the Instagram account of his agency Indifference Prod. “Use the networks to try to explain to us what a prince or a gentleman is… We here know, we know each other and we know you. In the end, there will only be one KING left” can we read.

Once again, it’s difficult to understand what’s really going on between the two singers who were once very friends. This beautiful friendship has also generated several professional collaborations since we find them together on the titles “Please” and “Ok”, which share the same musical style. Finally, we note that the two singing stars have no longer followed on social networks since April.


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