a judicial investigation for “attempted assassination” opened, a man in pre-trial detention

It all starts with an exchange of text messages between two individuals. A conversation in which one of the recipients feels they have been insulted.

Around 9:30 p.m. on August 15 in Cornimont, he then decided to have an explanation with the author of this message. He goes to his home supported by three members of his family, some of this band are armed with bladed weapons.

Judicial investigation opened for attempted assassination

At the home of the family of the author of the SMS, faced with this aggression, many individuals armed themselves with sticks to defend themselves, without success. Armed with knives, the members of the first family wound three people. One of the injured will have a punctured lung. Hospitalized in serious condition, these days are not in danger.

An investigation has been opened by law enforcement. One individual was quickly arrested and remanded in custody. He is suspected of having participated in the commando armed with knives and of having struck the lung of the seriously injured. In this case, a judicial investigation was opened for aggravated violence and attempted murder.

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