a job that always makes you dream?

The teachers return to school on Wednesday August 30, one day before their students. This is a particularly tense return to school, since many positions are not filled, particularly in Île-de-France. The issue of salary, that of recognition and working conditions mean that this profession is less and less dreaming of. In 2017, 80% of teachers said they were happy to practice this professionaccording to the Unsa Education 2022 Job Barometer, to which 42,836 staff responded: in 2022, they are only 74%.

Yet everyone remembersa teacher who marked or even changed his life : a CP mistress who taught us to read, a French teacher who introduced us to literature or theatre, a history-geography teacher who knew how to bring great past events back to life or maths who reconciled us with numbers…

And you, is there a teacher that you remember fondly? What do you think of this beautiful profession which is currently experiencing such a crisis of vocations? What are the ways for our children to have happy and passionate teachers in class?

To talk about it, Geraldine Mayr receives Jeremiah Fontanieu. He is a professor of economics and social sciences at Drancy in Seine-Saint-Denis and, thanks to a method called “Reconciliations”, he succeeded in 10 years to achieve a 100% success rate in the baccalaureate for his final year students. He just published The School of Reconciliation. A professor at Drancy published by Les liens qui liberante. He tells us about his career, the method he developed in the high school where he teaches and the passion that drives him in his job: so many ways to restore the appeal of this essential profession.

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