a jihadist suspected of planning an attacker during a pro-Israel demonstration was incarcerated

The police were alerted by “a foreign intelligence service”, the interior minister of the North Rhine-Westphalia region said on Wednesday.


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The Minister of the Interior of the North Rhine-Westphalia region, October 25, 2023 in Germany.  (ROLF VENNENBERND / DPA / AFP)

An attack foiled in Germany? Justice announced, Wednesday October 25, the detention of a 29-year-old jihadist arrested the day before and suspected of having planned an attack “Islamist motivated” against a pro-Israeli demonstration in Germany.

The man is accused “for having declared himself ready to commit a criminal act”, announced in a press release the public prosecutor’s office in Düsseldorf, in the west of Germany. The regional counter-terrorism office took over the investigation. They are “concretely declared ready to commit an Islamist attack in messages with an interlocutor in Syria”details the press release. “A pro-Israeli demonstration was a possible attack target,” he adds.

The police were alerted by “a foreign intelligence service”, the interior minister of the North Rhine-Westphalia region said on Wednesday, confirming media reports.

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