A jackpot of 1.6 billion in the American Powerball lottery

(Washington) Only a few hours left and lottery fans in the United States will know this Saturday if the astronomical amount of 1.6 billion US dollars of Powerball – a world record – has found a taker.

Posted at 2:12 p.m.

The possibility of winning this windfall was turning a few heads in Washington on Saturday.

“Dream homes, travel, helping family and friends,” lists Dontel Ducksworth, 28, at a store in the US capital where Powerball tickets can be purchased. “But you have to take care of yourself first. »

“I repeat ‘Good luck!’ “says tobacconist Bezu Wondi, faced with the steady flow of customers who came to try their luck before the draw at 10:59 p.m.

A ticket costs $2.

The odds of hitting the jackpot are only one in 292.2 million. For comparison, the probability of being struck by lightning is one in a million, according to US health officials.

And if several people choose the winning combination, they will have to share the jackpot.

The lucky winner(s) will have to choose between receiving the full amount, but via payments spread over three decades, or being paid all at once, up to 782.4 million, according to an estimate by Powerball.

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