A hundred people marched for the climate in Châteauroux this Saturday, March 12

The inauspicious climate of this Saturday, March 12 did not discourage them. A hundred people demonstrated in the rain, in Châteauroux, during a march for the climate. They responded to a national mobilization. After the new IPCC report (Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Climate Change), and while the environment is at the heart of French priorities for the 2022 presidential election, they regret the little place given to ecology in the public debate.

The problem is that, for us, it is still as important in our lives – Violette

Violette and her friends are not yet adults, but this is not their first demonstration. These young castelroussins have been worrying about their future for a while now. Their convictions have not changed one iota and they have come to let it be known, in disguise. One of them is dressed as a panda, another wears a Casimir costume, while Violette wears butterfly wings accompanied by an umbrella imitating the color of a ladybug.

Violette and her friends are not yet adults, but this is not their first demonstration. © Radio France
Delphine Marion Boulle

“The problem is that, for us, it’s still just as important in our lives” confides Violette, who continues, “to see that Emmanuel Macron is not taking any action against this, that in the program of each person, there is really little, apart from a few candidates. We say to ourselves that not only the one who is in power is not interested in it not, but for the next five years, there is not much more hope”.

One has the impression that everything that affects citizenship is completely without effect on the political approach – Francis (organizer)

The IPCC, in a report published at the end of February, could only note the acceleration of global warming. While, the environment is in the top 3 priorities of the French for this presidential election. This lack of visibility, the virtual absence of ecology in public debate, is a form of democratic denial.

Among the slogans we could read:
Among the slogans we could read: “the planet, do you want it blue or well done?” © Radio France
Delphine Marion Boulle

“We realize that very few candidates address this problem of climate change, whereas for us, it seems completely central to us in relation to a political approach to life in the days, months and years to come” explains Francis, one of the organizers who denounces: “We have the impression that everything that affects citizenship, that is to say the citizens, is something that has no effect on the political approach”.

It is absolutely necessary that we, citizens are also present. Otherwise, things will move a lot slower – Denis

If they demonstrate, it is precisely to show politicians that this issue has not disappeared, far from it, that there is urgency. We must put pressure on politicians, it must start from the lower esteem of the demonstrators. “If everyone manages to make it understood that it is important, politicians will be able to put things in place on purpose” explains Alizée, whose dad, Denis, abounds “It is true that we, as citizens, must absolutely be present too. Otherwise, it is true that things will move much less quickly unfortunately”.

A second march for the climate organized, this time in Bourges, brought together around thirty people in the middle of the afternoon.

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