A hundred demonstrators in Poitiers against gender-based and sexual violence

The call of the feminist collective #NousToutes in Vienne brought together a hundred people this Sunday, November 21 in Poitiers, against gender-based and sexual violence. The event was organized ahead of the international day against violence against women, November 25. Saturday, dozens of mobilizations also took place throughout France, 50,000 people participated in the procession in Paris according to the organizers. They were 350 in Niort, in Deux-Sèvres, according to the police.

Pay tribute to the victims and raise awareness in Poitou about gender-based and sexual violence

For two hours, the demonstrators, mainly women, challenged passers-by in the Couronneries market. They recalled the number of feminicides in France this year: 101 women killed by their spouse or ex-spouse according to a collective that identifies them. In the procession, coffin shaped signs, others who denounce the rape culture, from “Ras the rape“thrown over the speaker and a rallying song:”We are the women, we are proud and feminists and radical and angry!“Leaflets with the main numbers to dial in the event of violence were also distributed.

I no longer trust the police and the justice system on this subject – Mahdi, 22 years old

We hope to make Poitevins and Poitevines aware of gender-based and sexual violence and also to pay tribute to the victims who unfortunately died under the blows of their companion or ex-companion this year.“, explains Marie spokesperson for the #NousToutes collective in the Vienne. “I don’t want to live in a world where violence against women is accepted, I want to live in a world where you can go out alone at night without telling yourself that you are courageous, where you are protected and where you feel safe. security and today it is not the case“, says Aimée, 20 years old.

What solutions?

I no longer trust the police and the justice system on this subject when I see that complaints from women victims of violence are not taken, if I am assaulted in the street I have more chances by defending myself alone. that by calling the police, I lose some hope“, confesses Mahdi. Like the young woman, several participants say they have a form of distrust of the authorities.

Protesters at the start of the rally against gender-based and sexual violence in Poitiers. © Radio France
Thomas vichard

Then what solutions to bring to end the situation? “What we are asking is to protect and support the victims as well as possible. Give more financial and human resources to the police, to associations in the field. Funding needs to be released and interest in this topic is vital“details Marie.”We are waiting for education and awareness campaigns to learn how to react to violence against women and children, training of the police to force them to take complaints and consider them, training also of the judiciary so that ” today the culture of rape is no longer present in our courts and above all we expect to be taken seriously, listened to and heard“, adds Aimée.

From elected officials of the city of Poitiers also participated in the rally, of which Leonore Moncond’huy, the mayor and the municipal councilor responsible for equal rights, Alexandra Duval.

Other steps to say “stop“violence against women is planned in Poitiers until November 25. torchlight demonstration organized by the March 8 collective from 6 p.m. this Thursday from Place Alphonse Le Petit.

Demonstration against gender and sexual violence in Poitiers.
Demonstration against gender and sexual violence in Poitiers. © Radio France
Thomas vichard

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