a hundred bus drivers demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Ecological Transition

A hundred RATP bus drivers gathered on Monday at the call of the main trade union organizations of the transport authority (CGT, FO and Unsa). They have demonstrated in front of the Ministry of Ecological Transition. They were protesting against the modification of their working hours decided to adapt to the opening up to competition.

Unions do not want management’s agreement

RATP management has decided to increase the working time of the drivers 20 hours per year against a salary increase of 420 euros gross.

For the CGT, management intends to increase working time much more than it says, so the account is not there.

We want to make our refusal to open up to competition heard“insisted Jean-Christophe Delprat, Federal Secretary FO Transport.

The new organization of working time to come into force on August 1 after being postponed for a month. The RATP will lose its monopoly over Paris and the inner suburbs in 2025.

The strike is due to continue Tuesday and Wednesday

The movement of strike, scheduled for three days, caused disruptions on the surface network on Monday.

Only 60% of the usual bus offer was available and five tram lines out of eight were very seriously disrupted, only running at peak times and in reduced service.

source site-38