a humorist atomizes Jean-Luc Reichmann in “Les 12 coups de midi”

At the time of the “Blow by blow”, Jean-Luc Reichmann sometimes reserves nice surprises for the candidates of the “12 noon shots”. On questionnaires concerning them, the facilitator invites personalities to give more details concerning the expected answers. The opportunity recently to find in particular the animators Julien Courbet and Alexandre Devoise, but also Line Renaud.

This Monday, May 23, 2022, it is a famous Belgian humorist who made a thunderous entry on the set of “12 noon shots”. Olivier de Benoist was indeed the luxury guest who came to answer with the candidates a question asked on the themes he devoted to his sketches. Like “paternity”, the first good answer given by the champion Jessica which will give rise to a rather funny little improvisation from the actor who evokes his own paternity.

I made a theory and I would like to know if it works here too.“, begins Olivier de Benoist. “In fact I discovered that the child is different according to the place he has in the family. I know for example that my eldest does not like to be the eldest so I would like to know who is an elder among you“, asks the Belgian who then sees the midday master timidly raise her arm.”Well you elders are prototypes. If we parents have other children after the elders, it’s because we don’t want to stay on a failure. The eldest is the failed pancake, it’s the one we leave to the dog“, deplores with humor and cynicism the comedian.

Olivier de Benoist then poses the same question again, asking who among the assembly is the second child. And there, Jean-Luc Reichmann proudly raises his arm. A move he quickly regretted. “So the second in a family nobody cares. He’s the pariah and he’s very often ugly, can you confirm that Jean-Luc?“, chants the one who was revealed by “We only ask to laugh about it” on France 2. “Oh but of course…“, then confirms the host of 12 noon shots before the comedian apologizes: “Sorry Jean-Luc but I couldn’t change the text for you…


See also: Jean-Luc Reichmann makes revelations!

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