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A humanitarian train leaves Strasbourg, Wednesday, March 23, to deliver tons of donations to Ukrainian refugees. His destination is Romania, where refugees are flocking.
On the morning of Wednesday March 23, in Strasbourg (Bas-Rhin), civil protection volunteers are hard at work. The first French humanitarian train bound for Romania is preparing for departure. “The wagon is full, like the 11 other wagons which are just behind”says a volunteer. In total, Those are nearly 200 tons of hygiene and emergency equipment which will leave at the beginning of the afternoon.
Transportation is by rail rather than by road. “In truck, it’s very complicated since we are going to the south of Romania (…). Today, the train is organized to cover very long distances”continues the volunteer. It is therefore easier to organize, but also less expensive, thanks to the mobilization of several European rail carriers. The city of Odessa (Ukraine) will thus be able to benefit from half of the humanitarian load. Another convoy could leave Strasbourg by the end of the month.