a “humanitarian conference” organized in Paris for civilians in the Gaza Strip

According to the French presidency, everyone has “interest in the humanitarian situation improving in Gaza, including Israel.” France welcomes, Thursday November 8, a “humanitarian conference” to try to unlock aid for the civilian populations of the Palestinian enclave, made almost impossible in this sector by the continuous bombings of the Israeli army. The Israeli government will not be represented at this conference organized at the Elysée, and the Arab countries will not send representatives of the highest level. Follow our live stream.

Three Palestinian NGOs refer the matter to the ICC. A communication was sent to the International Criminal Court on behalf of three Palestinian NGOs. They wish that “Israeli officials who are waging a war with complete impunity where war crimes and crimes against humanity are committed every day understand that they will have to answer personally for their actions before international justice”explains their lawyer to AFP, Emmanuel Daoud.

Thousands of people flee Gaza City. On Wednesday, nearly 50,000 residents left Gaza City, according to the Israeli army. In total, according to a UN office, 72,000 people have fled this commune, located in the north of the enclave, to reach the south of the territory, since Sunday and the creation by the Israeli army of a “evacuation corridor” open a few hours a day. “They are leaving because they understand that Hamas has lost control of the north and that the situation is more secure in the south”declared Daniel Hagari, a spokesperson for the army, who claimed on Wednesday to have entered “deeply” inside the city.

Benjamin Netanyahu rules out a ceasefire. The Israeli Prime Minister once again ruled out any ceasefire on Wednesday as long as the hostages kidnapped during the Hamas attacks on October 7 are not released. According to a new report from the Israeli authorities on Wednesday, 239 people are being held in Gaza.

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