A hospital employee convicted of sexual assault explains himself in a very strange way…

This Tuesday, November 8, our colleagues from Parisian reported that a 56-year-old man named Christophe, former head of the IT department at the southern Seine-et-Marne hospital center, in Montereau-Fault-Yonne, in Île-de-France, has been ” sentenced to 18 months in prison, including ten months suspended probation for two years, with the obligation to compensate his victims and a ban on entering into contact with them “. The daily also states that: the remaining eight months will be fitted out under an electronic bracelet “. The court would also pronounced his ineligibility for five years, and his registration in Fijais (Automated judicial file of perpetrators of sexual offenses, editor’s note) “.

The charges against him date back several years. Between December 2016 and July 2020, this 50-year-old was particularly disrespectful with his colleagues. Several of them have also accused Christophe of moral and sexual harassment. In particular, he allegedly touched one of the victims whom he allegedly ” hissed, insulted and downgraded “. The others, for their part, highlighted ” gratuitous humiliation » which would have even pushed a young woman to try to end her life.

“It was not intentional”

In August 2022, the management of the southern Seine-et-Marne hospital center had finally made the decision to dismiss the head of the IT department who initially denied the accusations. During the trial, the victims would have liked to hear an apology “, explained Me Coralie Malagutti according to information from the Parisian. Apologies that Christophe did not wish to pronounce, even if he ” understands that some of his attitudes and especially his vocabulary may have been inappropriate “. Despite this awareness, he does not question his actions. ” It wasn’t voluntary, it’s been in my culture since my childhood “, he explained before adding that he would have realized the consequences of his actions ” with his psychologist “.


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